Thursday, May 11, 2006

Ok, We Just Scored ............. Let's Hibernate!

Well, the Cubs finally broke their scoreless innings streak on a ARam HR. Unfortunately, the Little Bears thereupon took this as their cue to go back to their cave and after receiving Mama Bear's soothing words of praise and her soft caresses, they promptly went right back into hibernation. Meanwhile, up in Bears Heaven, Papa Bear aka George S. Halas was busy counting the nickels that he used to fling like manhole covers and contemplating just how long that the suckers....err fans would flock to Wrigley Field and put up with this nonsense.

The San Diego Padres defeated the Cubs in 10 innings by a score of 2-1. Along the way, the Cubs threatened to blow things sky high but were saved by good luck. This was when Scott Error...err Eyre plucked a ball off the ground just before it was about to roll foul and thus a hit was born. Odd thing was that Eyre screamed at the umpire when it was really he who screwed up. Actually, it was the official scorekeeper who messed things up since it should have been determined to be an error on the pitcher rather than a hit. However, Eyre was saved from becoming the goat of the game and it fell to Bob Howry to give up the winning HR in the next inning.

Now that the Cubs have shown that they can score, when will they score more than 1 run per game?

Inquiring minds want to know.


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